
Community Life

Besides academic pursuits, L'Abri also emphasizes community life, through which we can experience the workings of the Christian truth in everyday life. From the very beginning, students at L'Abri lived together with the workers. Nowadays, almost every branch, including Korea, has dormitories that are not too far from the workers' residences. Under any structure, all guests can enjoy life as an "extended family" of workers and their family. Workers themselves prepare the meal and eat with guests and their own children. In order to keep this atmosphere of a family, L'Abri maintains a small number of guests at any given time.

The main dormitory of Korean L'Abri, which is called the "Yemunsil", consists of four rooms and a living room. Each room can house one to three students, and there is a shared bathroom. We do house male and female guests in separate rooms, but we do not have separate dormitories. The maximum capacity is 12, though for the sake of comfort we usually house up to 10 guests. You do not need to bring your own blankets or pillows, unless you require special bedding. Rules of conduct for dormitories are by no means strict; however, we ask that guests be courteous to one another, since the dormitories are a community.

A typical day at L'Abri includes half a morning of study and an afternoon of practical work, though the combination could vary depending on the time of the year, the amount of work needed, or the characteristics of study programs. Most of the work asked of guests is for maintenance and office assistance: helping workers cook, cleaning the dormitories and common space, gardening, etc. We do allow occasional guests who need intensive study to be excluded from work; nevertheless we recommend that everyone participate in some kind of work, for work can be an excellent opportunity for everyone to experience community life and practice the Christian worldview. If you have special skills in woodwork, landscaping, cooking, etc., please do not hesitate to inform the workers, for such skills could be of much help to the community.

There is still plenty of time for leisure at L'Abri. You can spend your free time in whatever way you want. Try taking a walk down to the river or meditate in the quiet woods. You could also just rest or engage in your hobbies. As long as your activities do not disturb your fellow community members, free time is... free time. We do not have any specific restrictions on mobile phone or Internet use, but we encourage guests to enjoy their stay at L'Abri as a place away from the endlessly busy life of the modern age. Why not enjoy the comfort of nature as it is all around?

Every Thursday is a day off. There are no lectures or study sessions on Thursdays, but there may be special programs in the evening such as film showings. During the day, you could stay at L'Abri to enjoy the peacefulness, or you could go sightseeing around. There are many beautiful beaches and mountains around L'Abri, as well as famous tourist attractions. Overnight outings are not allowed, but most places along the east coast can be reached within two hours from L'Abri. On Sundays, we either hold a chapel or attend a local church.

One reminder: please do not expect that L'Abri would be a quiet place. Indeed it is quiet in the sense that it is free from the hassle of city life, but L'Abri is a study center. It is a community where one has to live and study with strangers, and it is sometimes even called a "spiritual battlefield." There are some things that you cannot avoid as long as you live with other people. Children, animals, and other noises of the village might occasionally distract you from your studies.

Unfortunately, at the moment, our facilities are not wheelchair-accessible. We are sorry about this, but our mountainside location and the design of the building pose quite a lot of limitations.

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