
L'Abri Newsletter, June 2020

June 15th, 2020

Dear L'Abri praying family,

Hello, my name is Chang-Hee Cho. I have been a worker at Korean L'Abri since March. I never imagined I would become a L'Abri worker about 15 years ago in my college years when I first got to know Francis A. Schaeffer. From then on, I have kept this community in my heart. Amazingly, I am writing this monthly letter today! My family recently moved to Sokcho to work for L'Abri, but this transition happened after much consideration of whether to move to a mission field abroad. I considered about this decision for a few years after graduating from the medical college and becoming an emergency physician. Currently, I committed two days a week for the part-time work at L'Abri while other days working for Sokcho Medical Center. My wife, Ji-Eun, started to volunteer for L'Abri's accounting tasks since May.

During the period when the Korean L'Abri got to close due to the Coronavirus, there have been several events. First of all, workers studied about Schaeffer's worldview under In-Kyung's guidance - spirituality, cultural view, political view, apologetics, view of life, and the view of the Bible. I realized that Schaeffer's view is still valid for us who live in an era of Post-truth. Indeed, Schaeffer's time and ours are not much different.

I had a chance to present on Richard Dawkins' Scientific Atheism and to lead a discussion session. Dawkins talks as if there were no God who is proven scientifically, but the core of his talking is that we do not need God because Science alone can explain this world. Therefore, his ideology is the uselessness of God rather than being atheism. We also talked about that his ideology follows the limitations of Materialism - Dawkins' foundational worldview. If you need In-Kyung's paper and/or mine, please send us your e-mail address so that we can send it to you.

There have been big and small repairs - the deck, the eaves, and the laundry room. For the repairs, Jae-Yong and Kwang-Sik came to help several times.

Along with the hot summer of June, guests arrived. I would like to introduce to you some of the guests who visited for the past two weeks. The director of a hospital specialized in pediatrics in Gangneung city spent some time here for praying. Jin-Sook visited us for reading and writing. She led a discussion session after we had watched the British drama "Years and Years". She is a former L'Abri worker from 2002 to 2004 and a founder of Ecofemme, an organization that supports female refugees.

Ju-Hye, a school teacher, is a helper this term. Studying under Sam-Won's tutoring and helping with the L'Abri chores, she plans to help us again next term. Ju-Hun is a younger brother of Ju-Hye. Being a college student in the United States, he presented an impressive essay - the title is "When the world refuses to listen to your faith" - under Chung-Sung's tutoring.

Hee-Won, a college student in Education, grew up in a Christian family but have had much doubt about her Christian faith and many faith-related questions. For this reason, she is visiting Korean L'Abri. Thanks to her inquiries, workers have thought again about historical controversies and doubts about fundamental issues of the Christian faith.

We felt sorry about the cancellations due to the sporadic outbreak of Coronavirus in the Seoul metropolitan area. However, I could sense that L'Abri is a real mission field even during the short opening period of two weeks. Looking forward, I trust that God will continually work through L'Abri to reveal the true truth of our Christian faith.

This summer term will be from June 29th through August 16th, but the dates are still flexible. The Coronavirus may affect the opening period. The Christian Worldview Forum, which takes place every summer vacation, will be held from August 14th through 16th. The forum is a venue where organized ideas of any person - not only in religious areas but also other areas such as academics, business, and life - are shared and discussed. High school students and college professors presented their insightful and sharp ideas in the annual forum in the past. So, we expect that such contributions will come again this year. If you have written/will write a paper, please contact me at stephenjo@daum.net. The deadline for submission is July 31st. For the further detailed schedule, please refer to the attached announcement.

It seems that this year is going to be a very special year due to COVID-19. Reunions are avoided and ordinary contacts are under cautious control. The current abnormal lifestyle may continue until a vaccine is developed. On the other hand, we would have never known if it had not been for the virus that small things - fellowship, handshakes, or just talking freely - have been such a joy and gifts from God. Also, I wonder if the remote way of communication could replace the traditional way of face-to-face communication in the future.

I also want to mention that many churches and missionary organizations are having difficult times. Please pray that a vaccine for the virus may be developed soon and that the holy congregation may get together freely to worship God. Please pray also that many people can visit Korean L'Abri, find the truth here, and return home with great joy. Lastly please pray that the Old Gas Station house can be purchased by Korean L'Abri by the end of December through God's provision, and that workers can continue to serve guests with unfailing enthusiasm and peace.

Many blessings,

Chang-Hee Cho

Translated by Hyun-Suk Ji

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