L'Abri Newsletter, August 2015
August 16, 2015
Dear L’Abri praying family,
This is ChungSeong Lee, and I am honored to greet you for the first time in a prayer letter. I have been serving L’Abri as a full-time worker since this spring. I am very grateful for your prayer and encouragement that enabled me to adjust to L’Abri work without too much difficulty.
I am learning and feeling so many things here – it seems that I am the one who is always receiving help, when I should be the one to providing help. The most precious training that I received over the last six months is to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and to depend more on God in my life.
It has been both comforting and challenging to learn that people who come here need God’s work and consolation first and foremost, rather than the abilities of ‘human ChungSeong Lee’. Although I am less than half the worker I should be, God uses this incompetent and ignorant man to perform wonders. I wish to become better at demonstrating God’s work. Please pray for me.
The last three weeks have been busy with comings and goings. Throughout our second summer term, L’Abri has been full of people, some staying for as short as two days, and others staying for the whole three weeks. Some guests even had to use the makeshift bedroom in the library on the second floor.
Many teachers visited L’Abri this term. Elementary, middle school, high school, and to-be teachers knocked on our doors with various questions and concerns. Please pray for their wisdom and strength as they take care of young souls.
Many college students, of course, also spent their summer holidays with us. They wished to strengthen their wavering faith while living in an evil world; wanted to know more about Jesus and the Truth that they had yet to embrace; and harbored worries that they couldn’t share with anyone else. We are not sure how much help we could provide to those who needed it, but we trust that God has always been one step ahead of us. Please pray with us that He will console them and hold them firm.
Several pastors, professors, and missionaries passed by as well. They were exhausted from taking care of so many souls. I hope that their time at L’Abri helped them recover and recharge their physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. Please pray for these workers of God, who work diligently even now to bring salvation to people all over the world.
I also remember office workers who spent their precious holidays and weekends with us. Many are trying very hard to protect the purity of their faith in their homes and workplaces. Some came to catch their breath after a long race of daily life, while others came to mend their wounded hearts with answers to honest questions. They have now returned to their posts, again fighting in these evil times. Please pray that God will lend them strength, wisdom, and courage.
Still others visited us briefly to meet and help us in various ways. A group of graduate students from KAIST, led by Pastor Gab-Deok Jang, stayed overnight and shared with us an opportunity to debate on the topic of modern science. I hope that they will come again and spend some more time with us.
This summer, I found it interesting that whenever certain topics came up during discussion, there were always people among us who really needed to talk about those topics. I believe that, without God’s guidance, we could not have fitting discussions at the right moments.
Now that the scorching summer is over, we are going to take a short break. JinSeong and Sul-Ah, our missionaries in residence, are planning to visit a few places during the break. The couple have been very busy throughout the term, mowing our gardens in the sweltering heat and serving food to guests while also taking care of three energetic children. Please pray that they will have the wisdom and strength in their trip.
InKyung has been and will also be busy going to lectures and conventions that have been delayed due to the MERS breakout in the early summer. Please pray that God bless InKyung’s lips so that he can teach young people about God and the true worldview. Also pray for his throat, for despite his chronic sore throat, he needs to use it continually. KyungOk spent a lot of time this summer counselling an unsually large number of women visitors. Please pray that she will have ample opportunity for rest during the break.
Our helper last term, HyungJoo, worked very diligently and has returned to college for the fall semester. He stayed at L’Abri to help us instead of working part-time to earn tuition. He says that his stay helped him resolve many previous misunderstandings about Christianity and properly learn what it means to be a Christian. I was so glad to hear this from him.
Many things were born out of HyungJoo’s artful hands, especially book return box and the signpost at the entrance. A lot of people will be able to use the signpost to find where to go. I am grateful for everyone as well who has lived with and helped him.
During this break, instead of going back to my hometown Gimhae, I plan to stay at L’Abri and enjoy a quiet time of rest and study. We have many more subjects for prayer than what I have written so far, yet to list them all would take pages after pages. Without your prayer, encouragement, and above all without the Holy Spirit working close by, I wouldn’t have been able to bear even one day of this work. I am truly thankful that the summer term is safely behind me and that I am writing this letter to you.
I do not know what kind of people would visit us this fall, but please pray that God will send us those who really need our help, and also that we will be well-prepared to help them. Although I have never had the opportunity to meet all of you, I am very honored and grateful for the privilege of greeting, and asking for prayer from, so many of you who are most eagerly helping and praying for L’Abri. If you ever visit us, I look forward to serve you with coffee that I roasted myself and get to know you even better.
With drizzles amidst sunlight, from the old gas station
ChungSeong Lee
Translated by Haejin Sung